Terms and Conditions
1. The Author guarantees that he or she has copyright to the Book, manuscript, work of art or other document by virtue of being the creator and/or having license from the copyright owner, and will retain copyright to the Book for the duration of this Agreement. The Author agrees to engage the Publisher to provide the Publisher’s Publishing Services for self-publishing authors.
2. This Publishing service makes the Book available for retail sales to the public through book wholesalers within the UK and the Internet. The Publisher is not responsible for marketing or advertising the book unless such services have been specifically purchased separately.
3. The Publisher will provide such other publishing services as may be required by the author at a mutually agreed price:
4. To arrange and provide an International Standard Book Number (ISBN) for the Author’s Book.
5. To typeset the text and layout the pages (guided by the Author’s samples) into a master digital file suitable for prompt retrieval for either on-demand printing or litho printing, produce an electronic proof for the Author’s approval within 60 days of receiving an electronic file of the Author’s Book from the author. Archive the master digital file for the duration of the transaction.
6. To either scan artwork provided by author or provide a choice of digital images from which the author may choose a Book cover image. To assemble a full-colour cover and produce a digital master cover file suitable for prompt retrieval for on-demand printing or litho printing and to produce an electronic proof for the Author’s approval and archive the approved master file for the duration of the transaction.
7. Submit a brief description about the Book which the Author shall provide for major online bookstores including Amazon, major book wholesale distributors including Nielson Book Data.
8. To list the Author’s title with Amazon in the UK and the US and with Nielsons Book Data free for one year and for a fee of £39.00 per year thereafter, as per publishing package purchased.
9. Provide bound and printed copies of the Author’s book free of charge for the Author’s use and delivered within the UK at the Publishers costs as per publishing package purchased.
10. Important Typesetting Notes;
a. The Publisher will not begin typesetting the Author’s book until ALL documents have been submitted.
b. The Publisher will require approval from the Author for the inside text BEFORE the book cover is designed or laid out.
c. The Publisher will typeset and format the Author’s Book in a typical professional layout – unless otherwise instructed by the Author.
d. Page numbers will be placed bottom centre of the Book unless otherwise instructed by the Author.
e. The cost of £795 includes typesetting of text only (unless otherwise stated) – if the Author has any images or tables for insertion into the Book the Publisher will charge a maximum of £5.00 per image for these insertions.
f. Any images supplied to the Publisher by the Author should be of print quality and at least 300 dpi. The publisher will proceed and layout the book with the images supplied by the Author. It is the Authors’ responsibility to ensure these images are of good quality.
g. The Publisher will email an electronic proof to the Author for print approval.
h. This proof is for the Author to check the layout only. IT IS NOT for the Author to proofread their Book at this stage.
i. The Publisher is willing to make amendments to the Author’s spelling, grammar, punctuation etc. at the proof stage but there WILL be an extra charge of £35 per hour (minimum charge of £35). This cost will be confirmed with the Author before the Publisher proceeds.
j. Please address all emails with your name and book title in the subject line when corresponding with the Publisher’s design team.
k. Please inform the Publisher of what category your book is best described as; Horror/Adult Fiction/drama etc.
l. The Author must supply a maximum 100 word description of their book for the submission to Amazon etc. A retail price of £9.99 for UK sales and $14.99 for US sales will automatically be placed on all books unless the Author informs the Publishers otherwise.
11. The Author agrees to perform the following:
a. To provide the Publisher with scan-ready original artwork (or chose one of the images from the Publisher) for the Author’s book cover.
b. To provide the Publisher with an electronic file in Microsoft Word of the Book text plus digitally scanned photographs and/or artwork that may be included in the book as ‘final copy’.
c. To return the Publisher’s proof electronically within 30 days with either an acceptance of the proof or highlighted errors made by the Publisher. If the Author wishes to change or alter any of the text or photographs that has previously been submitted as “final copy” to the Publisher the Author agrees to pay the Publisher to execute those changes at a rate of £35.00 per hour with a minimum charge of £35.00.
d. To provide the Publisher with information about the Author and the Book that can be used on the back cover of the book at the same time as providing the Publisher with the text of the book and any dedications etc. that the Author wishes to be included within the Book.
e. To provide the Publisher with a promotional text of not more than 100 words describing the Book’s story to be used in the promotion of the book on Amazon.co.uk and .com and any other areas as the Publisher shall deem appropriate.
12. The Author also agrees:
a. To assume any and all liability for the complete content of the Book and to hold the Publisher harmless from any liability arising from the content provided by the Author.
b. That all the material the Author has included in the book is lawfully owned by the author. Where any non-original text and/or artwork or photographs are included in the Book the Author agrees they have full written authority to use such text, artwork or photographs from the originator and owner of the copyright.
13. Both Parties agree:
a. This agreement is non-exclusive and either party may terminate the agreement at any time on delivering immediate written notice without any necessary cause provided only that all outstanding compensation becomes the respective party’s debt and pre-existing payment obligations remain on both parties.
b. The laws of England and Wales shall apply and the parties agree to use binding arbitration in England to resolve any irreconcilable dispute between the parties.
c. The Publisher does not warrant that their website
d. www.labelleauboisdormant.co.uk will be constantly uninterrupted or error free. The Publisher agrees however to use due diligence and reasonable care in maintaining its website. 5
e. Changes to this contract may be necessary from time to time to reflect the evolution of the Publisher’s service to self-publishing Authors and the Author will be notified in such an eventuality, provided either party retains the right to terminate at any time without liability for any damages from this contract except payment of outstanding royalties and any other outstanding debts.
f. The Author at all times retains whatever copyright and other publishing rights possessed by the Author at the time this agreement is signed.
g. The Publisher will not be responsible for any loss of or damage to materials submitted by the Author including manuscripts, diskettes, CDs, artwork and photographs.
h. The Publisher may subcontract all or parts of its services to other divisions and subsidiaries of the Publisher or other independent companies as long as all the commitments to the Author are held whole.
i. The Publisher does not market, advertise or publicize the Author’s Book. The sales and marketing of the Author’s Book is entirely the responsibility of the Author.